2222 1/2 East 35th St, Minneapolis, MN 55407
Open hours: Thu-Fri 3 – 6; Sat-Sun 1 – 6pm
or by appointment: [email protected]
Opens: Friday April 6th, 6-10pm
Runs: April 6th - May 11th, 2018
Conversation: Saturday April 28th, 7pm with Chicago artist Molly Roth Scranton and Minneapolis curator Diane Mullin.
Please note: The exhibition is on two floors. The main floor is wheelchair accessible. The basement exhibition space is reached by 12 wooden stairs. Images and descriptions of the basement portion of the exhibition are provided. A single-stall ungendered bathroom is located in the basement. A wheel chair accessible, ungendered single stall bathroom is located across the street at The Future during all gallery hours, and from 6-8pm opening night. There is no wheelchair accessible bathroom during the conversation event. Please plan accordingly.